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Scholarship Application

BC Hockey 2025 Scholarship Application

Scholarships will be awarded to BC Hockey registered members who apply and who best combine the qualifications set below. BC Hockey wants to give recognition to their members who develop their academic and career aspirations, while at the same time nourishing their interest in hockey.

Applications Opening Soon

BC Hockey scholarships are open to both players and officials. All players must be registered and in good standing with BC Hockey, or former members playing in the Western Hockey League (WHL) who are in their graduating year of high school. All officiating scholarship candidates must be registered and in good standing with BC Hockey, and be either in their graduating year or high school or already attending a post-secondary institution. 

1. Academic achievement
2. Sportsmanship
3. Hockey participation and/or quality of contribution
4. School, community participation, and service

Applications must be accompanied by the following:

  • Letter from the applicant's coach or referee-in-chief
  • Letter from the applicant's Minor Hockey Association (MHA) or league president
  • Letter from Academic Advisor or School Administrator
  • A copy of the applicant's most recent transcript (high school or post-secondary) 

A selection committee from BC Hockey will review all applications. Successful applicants will be notified in June 2025.

Scholarship Availability
BC Hockey scholarships will be made available to successful applicants after proof has been received that they are attending a post-secondary institution of their choice. All cheques will be payable to the successful applicant. BC Hockey scholarship winners may defer receipt of their awards for a period no longer than one (1) academic year, however, deferment requests must be submitted in writing and include an explanation.