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Criminal Record Check

Criminal Record Checks

Please CLICK HERE for the employee and volunteer screening policy regarding Criminal Record Checks.

The application for the CRC and VPC is required upon initial appointment, or upon the individual reaching the age of 18, and maintaining the position is contingent upon the results of the checks coming back satisfactory to BC Hockey. A CRC must be renewed as follows: a) Every five (5) years in the case of current BC Hockey Directors and employees; and b) Every three (3) years for all other positions, including volunteer positions.

If you require a criminal record check, it can be submitted online.


Access Code: FY4HH6R6BN

  1. Identity verification: In the new eCRC system, an applicant’s identity is verified using their BC Services Card. If the applicant is using the BC Services Card to access the online service for first time, they will be directed to activate their card by video or in person through Service BC.
  2. Cost: There is no charge associated with activating a BC Services Card and the criminal record check fee (if applicable) has not changed.

  3. Resources: To assist your applicants utilizing the BC Services Card eCRC system, we have attached a comparison chart of the current legacy eCRC vs. the new BC Services Card eCRC, Frequently Asked Questions and a User Guide. For more information regarding the BC Services Card, please visit

After submission if you wish to check on the status of your Criminal Record Check please contact and have your confirmation number on-hand.

CONFIRMATION OF IDENTIFICATION: If requested to provide proof of identification, please email legible scan or photo of two (2) pieces of government issued ID to with your session ID number. BC Hockey will forward these copies to the Ministry of Justice and issue an 'Interim" CRC approval, which will allow for clinic registration.

FINGER PRINTING: If requested to complete finger printing, please do so at your local police detachment ASAP. Send confirmation of your finger print submission to There may be a charge for the finger printing service dependent upon the police station you visit. Should you wish to be provided a letter of reference that identifies you as a volunteer with BC Hockey to assist in a waiving of this fee, please send your request to

CLICK HERE for FAQ for eCRC Online Service

CLICK HERE for the Applicant User Guide