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School and Education

Program Description

The External Sport Credentials Program (ESCP) provides opportunities for student/participants to earn graduation credits by reaching a standard in Ministry of Education approved external courses in the categories of athlete, coach and official. This program is administered and monitored by the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development - Sport Branch. 

Application Process

  1. Complete the online application form on the BC Hockey website
  2. BC Hockey verifies coach, official or player eligibility
  3. BC Hockey emails an approval letter to the school contact submitted on the applicant's online application form

Player Eligibility Guidelines

Regional or Zone Select Teams
(Provincial Championships)

Athlete 10


4 credits

Provincial Teams
(Inter-Provincial Regional Championships)

Athlete 11


4 credits

Provincial Teams or National Teams
(National Championships)

Athlete 12


4 credits

U18 TEAM BC Open Camp - Female U18 Team BC Provincial Camp - Female Aboriginal Team BC - Female/ Male
BCEHL U18 AAA Programs - Female/Male U16 Team BC Provincial Camp - Male U18 Team BC - Female
U16 BC Cup Male National U17 Development Camp Female  National Team Invitation Pool Female/ Male (U17, U18, or U20)
Junior A Programs Junior A Programs  Youth Olympics
Major Junior Programs

This chart is meant as a guide and does not include all eligibility information. Once a student has received credit for a particular level within the athlete, official or coach categories, he or she cannot receive additional credits for duplicate participation.

Officials Eligibility Guidelines

Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Level 1 and 50 cumulative hours of practical experience Level 2 and 100 cumulative hours of practical experience. Level 3 and 100 cumulative hours of practical experience as L3.

Students must supply verification of practical experience and contact information of their local Referee in Chief or District Referee Committee Member in the online application form.

Coach Eligibility Guidelines

Grade 11 Grade 12

NCCP Community Sport Initiation OR NCCP Introduction to Competition – Part A “trained”;


NCCP Making Ethical Decisions “evaluated”; and


30 hours of coaching experience monitored and reviewed by an Introduction to Competition “certified” coach or NCCP Level 2 “certified” coach in the sport you are being evaluated in.

Provide instruction in the NCCP multi-sport modules and the sport technical component of the sport


Evaluate the student coaches in their knowledge of developing practice sessions and demonstration of sport specific instruction; and


Practical coaching experience (minimum 100 hours of instruction). The student must submit a verification letter of practical coaching experience. An Introduction to Competition “trained” coach or NCCP Level 2 “certified” coach from the same sport must provide the verification letter of practical coaching hours

Students must supply verification of practical experience and contact information of their association head coach in the online application form.


Student coaches seeking to earn credit under the Coach 11 category must ensure they have completed all the required components and send their proof of completion (copy of NCCP certifications, practical coach experience verification letter and Make-Ethical Decisions “evaluated”) to the Sport Branch. The Sport Branch representative will review the submitted documentation and issue a verification letter directly to the student if the student has fulfilled all the requirements.

Make Ethical Decisions “evaluated” – once a student coach receives a NCCP # from the Coaches.